Dancetime Blog
Here you can read all latest info about Dancetime By Stephanie™ including how-to’s, history and more….
Dance Class Is More Than Just Dance Class
When you sign your child up for Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop, or another style of dance, the rewards are many. Dance instruction teaches children coordination, flexibility, and how to move well. Dance students make lots
Bun Making 101
Moving hair can accidentally hit other dancers, or even yourself, when you are trying to dance ballet. This is why it is a good idea to wear your hair in a bun.
3 Hidden Benefits Of Your Child’s Dance Class
Dancing boosts HAPPINESS! When children are doing exciting dance moves to music that they like it makes sense that they will have fun.
Dancing Around the World Here In Los Angeles
Dancetime by Stephanie™ is featured at a number of preschools, Montessori’s, as well as private and public elementary schools.
How To Help Your Child Deal With Nerves Before A Big Show
Your child may soon be participating in a dance recital or dance show. It is normal for them to be excited about the upcoming performance.